Flood In some Main Street Jakarta

Monday, February 09, 2015
Monday, 9 February 2015
Intensity of rain which flushed Jakarta since last night until today, made a number of Jakarta's roads flooded. Vehicles cars and motorcycles both struggling to break through puddles that have reached 50 cm. As a result a number of two-wheeled vehicles off the engine or strike. Floodwater and the rain still fell create traffic density, both arterial roads or on toll roads in the city.

On the road Ahmad Yani PoluMas, East Jakarta Tanjung Priok direction towards Uki Cawang or reverse direction, altitude puddle reaches 40 to 60 cm. Exactly in front of the busway station Pulomas (Building Gudang Garam)
Poor sewer systems in this location causes the arterial roads are often flooded when it rained. And as a result of severe flooding along the 5 km congestion in both directions ensued. This condition makes dozens of two-wheeled vehicles broke down under water.

Flood In some Main Street Jakarta

Meanwhile, in the Central Jakarta Cempaka Putih waterlogging conditions is high enough so that the motorcycle is not passing. This 40cm high flood inundated the slow lane Jalan Ahmad Yani of Swamp Manggun moving towards Sunter and surrounding areas.

Four-wheeled vehicle that is desperate to break through flooding forced to bite the finger that strike. While the impact of these floods congestion caused some city bus passengers who were on the highway in the town were forced to walk from the top of the toll to pursue work time. Flooding that occurred at some point in Jakarta made a number of office employees, coming late to work.

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7 komentar on Flood In some Main Street Jakarta

  1. butuh translate untuk membacanya, :)

  2. Wah pertamax udah keburu abis ama Mbak Imerlina, saya translatekan dulu ya mas supaya mudah dipahami...tapi dari gambarnya intinya memperlihatkan seang banjir di jakarta....kalau memang seperti ini kan sudha biasa

  3. sungguh menyedihkan kondisi banjir dijakarta ya mas, pertamax nih kunjungan saya kemari, salam kenal mas

  4. Yah semoga lekas kering...Kalau sudah kering, sudah tugas seluruh warga Jakarta untuk mencegah timbulnya banjir lagi

  5. semoga cepet surut banjirnya :)

  6. Aduh beginilah klo gk demen makan roti jd kudu extra mikir :D

  7. miris juga kalo ngeliat banjir di jakarta... Kalau posisi saya di mobil atau motor, otomatis pilihan saya pasti nerjang... entah bakal lolos atau terpaksa dorong.. hahaha dilema dikala banjir
