Agate Has Potential Exports Good Enough

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
As we know, Agate now it was popular. Not only in Indonesia but Agate also began to spread to various countries.

Agate and abroad, the increase in the value of exports of jewelry or gems. During the months from January to December 2014 jewelery export value of US$ 4.6 billion, an increase of 68.95% compared to the year 2013.

Agate Has Potential Exports Good Enough

According to the Central Bureau of Statistics in December 2014 alone, Agate commodity exports rose 55% to US$ 168.6 million. One driving force is the Stone Bacan from Maluku.

Suryamin as chairman of the Central Bureau of Statistics, he also said nonmetallic minerals including Agate does have a fairly good export potential.

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6 komentar on Agate Has Potential Exports Good Enough

  1. saya jadi heran bacan dari maluku itu mahal....pada banyak juga batu yang bagus dari tempat lainnya...semantara banjarmasin yang dikatakan pusat batu permata indonesia malah punya yang lebih baik lagi dari batu bacan...dimana letak mahalnya ya gan? saya juga pernah belajar masalah batu permata sewaktu di banjar masin...dan lumayan mengerti tentang batu....tapi kalau bacan saya masih bingung...

    1. yang bikin mahal itu biasanya yang membelinya Mbah Dinan, seperti penawaran gitu...siapa mau dapat mungkin harus menawar tinggi...

  2. Hemmm ini yang sedang buming di era 2015 :)

  3. hadir malam sambil liat koleksi batu akik

  4. Batu mulia memang tidak bisa di prediksi harganya, ditambah lagi alam Indonesia di setiap daerahnya banyak dan mudah ditemukan "Lokasi Tambang Batu Cincin" yang berkualitas bagus sampai akhirnya terkenal hingga mancanegara.
