Benteng Pendem, Witness History People Cilacap

Sunday, January 04, 2015
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Benteng Pendem, Witness History People Cilalap

In addition to the known tourist beaches, Cilacap also has other attractions that are not less interesting. Call it like this "Benteng Pendem" one of them. Building history of Dutch colonial relic is still evident and strong until now.

Benteng Pendem, Witness History People Cilalap

The fortress was built since 1861, is located adjacent to "Teluk Penyu" and the island of Nusa Kambangan Cilacap, Central Java.
This fort was once made as a bastion and functioned to oversee the ships that would want to approach. In addition, because the existence of this castle there is space torture and execution of prisoners. Therefore, this castle rather looks and feels haunted, if we are to be there.

Generally this bustling tourist spot visited by tourists during the holiday season arrives. As on the day of Eid visitors can reach thousands.

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1 komentar on Benteng Pendem, Witness History People Cilacap

  1. dibangun sejak tahun 1861 tapi struktur bangunannya masih terlihat sangat kokoh ya Mas
